Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Title Sequence

Before we download our film onto our blogs here is a sneak preview of the title sequence. Surprisingly we had a lot of trouble with the title sequence as there was a lot to consider. Rather then just throwing writing on the screen we had to deicide whether we wanted the text on a black screen or not. The size and style of font in order to fit with our film and the placing on the screen and how long it was kept on. In the end we decided for the credits to come on screen at the top and bottom corner of the page during the time lapse keeping the same edgy font which we downloaded after finally deciding it was right choice for the film. We originally wanted the writing to appear on the bus but it was too complex and it would go too quickly for us to read the name and title of the person. Here is what we went with:

  Another problem we faced was the name and positioning of the film title. We went with 'Double Cross' as it went well with the genre of the film'. We then used an effect for the 'Double' and 'Cross' to brush past each other as they are crossing relating to the name. Fortunately the worked perfectly as it looked good in the shot with Leanne jumping of Trafalgar. This is it:


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