So far we have already got the time lapse. The time lapse was the initial idea for the film as it not only looks great but we believe it emphasises how the protagonist is feeling alone in the world, with everything moving fast pace but her staying still, oblivious to the world. This is followed by her getting up from trafalgar square where she starts her journey and from there become more anxious. We then see her walking into the train station - this shot we still need to record for the scene to make sense - followed by the shots we have of her sitting on the train becoming increasingly anxious as she gets closer to home. We then see her walking the ally's, frightened and aware of her surroundings making us ponder why, implying at this points she is hiding a secret. Furthermore, we are going to edit in a siren sound which triggers something in her mind and at this point she begins to run implying she may be in serious trouble. She continues to run with her ending up in forty hall which leads onto our last shot - still needed to be recorded. She then goes to pull a picture out of her pocket then ends leaving a cliffhanger, not giving to much away and to avoid making a short film. In all the shots Leanne has her earphones in allowing us to work with the sound allowing us to entwine diabetic music to the clips but when she begins to run the earphones fall out to show she is listening to the music. Also we have tried to make Leanne look rough, suggesting she has been up all night as she has too much on her mind to sleep. Final shots will hopefully be filmed this week, leaving plenty of time to edit so we can see if any more shots need to be re-done.
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